政府推動「健康大數據永續平台」計畫,最重要目標之一為因應精準醫療之發展,建構利於精準醫療、臨床研究與產業發展之環境,並在計畫中特別推動公私合作模式(Public-private Partnership),邀請產業界提出精準醫療合作計畫,引入各知識領域及各界資源,促成產官醫研共同合作形成聯盟,建立整合基因與臨床醫療資料之健康大數據,以真實世界證據推升我國精準醫療相關產業發展,俾使台灣生技產業成為國際價值鏈重要之一環。
Precision medicine is an emerging field. Advances in next-generation sequencing and related sequencing technologies have enabled the integration of bioinformatics and big data for personalized medicine optimization. Thus, precision medicine has become the focus of medical development worldwide. The first step in this approach involves employing next-generation gene sequencing and simultaneously collecting patients’ clinical and genomic information, contributing to the construction of a comprehensive database. This would facilitate the acquisition of knowledge on suitable treatments, thereby benefiting patients and accelerating the development of medical techniques and new drugs to become a driving force for advances in related industries.