2023 International Conference on Recent Advances in
Big Data and Precision Health, Taiwan


     The Taiwan government has launched “Health Big Data Platform Program” in 2021, in which efforts have been made to combine expertise and funding from governmental, academic, medical, and industrial sectors to facilitate an ecosystem to generate quality data for precision medicine.

      We are excited to share some progress of this program at the upcoming conference. Furthermore, we will address recent advances in cancer precision medicine, the application of big data in addressing diabetes and infectious diseases, and provide updates on the National Biobank Consortium of Taiwan and the Taiwan Gateway to Health Data. Distinguished speakers will exchange knowledge and experiences, with the hope of igniting new ideas for future developments.

時間:112年11月4日 9:00-16:50
Date & Time: 4th Nov. 2023. 9:00-16:50 (Taiwan Time, UTC +8)
Venue: Chang Yung-Fa Foundation International Convention Center Conference Room 1001
Language: English

Adviser: Ministry of Health and Welfare

主辦單位 Sponsors:

  • 國家衛生研究院 National Health Research Institutes (NHRI), Taiwan

  • 奇美醫療財團法人奇美醫院 Chi Mei Medical Center

協辦單位 Co-sponsors: (依中文筆畫序)

  • 中華民國癌症醫學會 Taiwan Oncology Society

  • 台灣病理學會 Taiwan Society of Pathology

  • 台灣精準醫療品質策進會 Taiwan Joint Commission of Precision Medicine

  • 台灣精準醫療產業協會 Precision Medicine Industry Association of Taiwan

  • 台灣臨床病理暨檢驗醫學會 Taiwan Society of Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

  • 社團法人台灣醫事檢驗學會 Taiwan Society of Laboratory Medicine


議程 Agenda

Time (UTC+8)TopicSpeakerSessionModerator
9:00-9:10Welcome Speech司徒惠康 院長
Huey-Kang Sytwu, MD, PhD
President, National Health Research Institutes (NHRI), Taiwan
林宏榮 院長
Hung-Jung Lin, MD, MS
Superintendent, Chi-Mei Medical Center, Taiwan
Introduction to the “Sustainable Platform for Big Data in Health”
許惠恒 副院長
Wayne Huey-Herng Sheu, MD, MS, PhD
Vice President, NHRI, Taiwan
9:20-10:00Keynote Speech
Cancer Genome Wide Association Studies: Past, Present and Future
Stephen J. Chanock, MD
Director, Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, USA
熊昭 名譽研究員
Chao Agnes Hsiung, PhD
Honorary Investigator, Institute of Population Health Sciences, NHRI, Taiwan
10:00-10:40Keynote Speech
Regulatory Circuits of Mitophagy govern Memory T cell Formation during Infection and Vaccination
何秉智 教授
Ping-Chih Ho, PhD
Professor, Department of Fundamental Oncology,
University of Lausanne
Full Member, Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
李岳倫 副處長
Alan Yueh-Luen Lee, PhD
Investigator /
Deputy Director, Department of Research Planning and Development NHRI, Taiwan
10:40-10:55Coffee Break
10:55-11:15Evaluating Polygenic Risk Scores for Predicting Cardiometabolic Traits and Disease Risks in the Taiwan Biobank鍾仁華 研究員
Ren-Hua Chung, PhD
Investigator, Institute of Population Health Sciences, NHRI, Taiwan


Application of Big Data in Diabetes and Infectious Diseases

邱弘毅 所長
Hung-Yi Chiou, PhD
Distinguished Investigator and Director, Institute of Population Health Sciences, NHRI, Taiwan
11:15-11:35Applications of Big Data for Infectious Disease Surveillance, Modeling, and Precision Health鄒小蕙 副研究員
Hsiao-Hui Sophie Tsou, PhD
Associate Investigator, Institute of Population Health Sciences, NHRI, Taiwan
11:35-11:55Intersection of Environmental Factors with Diabetes李中一 特聘教授
Chung-Yi Li, PhD
Distinguished Professor, Department of Public Health, College of Medicine, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
11:55-12:00Q & A
12:00-13:15Lunch Break
13:15-13:35Enhancing Patient Care through Clinical Genomic Profiling: Lessons from the NHRI Sarcoma Research Project李宛珊 醫師
Wan-Shan Li, MD
Director, Division of Molecular Pathology, Department of Pathology, Chi Mei Medical Center, Tainan, Taiwan
Cancer Precision Medicine
李健逢 研究員級主治醫師
Chien-Feng Li, MD, PhD
Chair, Department of Medical Research, Chi Mei Medical Center
Joint-Appointed Investigator, National Institute of Cancer Research, NHRI, Taiwan
13:35-13:55Big Data and Precision Health in Lung Cancer, from Data to Patients廖斌志 醫師
Bin-Chi Liao, MD
Attending Staff Physician, Department of Medical Oncology, National Taiwan University Cancer Center, Taiwan
13:55-14:00Q & A
14:00-14:40 Keynote Speech
Development of East Asian Genomic Screening Platform (LC-SCRUM-Asia) to Establish Precision Medicine in Lung Cancer
Koichi Goto, MD, PhD
Deputy director /
Chief, Department of Thoracic Oncology
National Cancer Center Hospital East, Japan
14:40-15:00Establishment of RWD/RWE from Biobank for Industrial Application in Taiwan: A Pilot Project黃秀芬 研究員級主治醫師
Shiu-Feng Huang, MD, PhD
Investigator and Attending Physician, Institute of Molecular and Genomic Medicine, NHRI, Taiwan
National Biobank Consortium of Taiwan
呂念慈 簡任技正
Nian-Ci Lu
Senior Specialist, Department of Medical Affairs, Ministry of Health and Welfare
15:00-15:15Coffee Break
15:15-15:30Taiwan Health Data Integration Services Platform楊奕馨 研究員
Yi-Hsin Yang, PhD
Investigator, National Institute of Cancer Research, NHRI, Taiwan

台灣健康大數據整合服務平台 – 現況與展望
Taiwan Gateway to Health Data – Current Update and Future Perspectives

高純琇 主任
Churn-Shiouh Gau, PhD
Director, Program Office of Sustainable Platform for Big Data in Health, Ministry of Health and Welfare
15:30-15:45An Innovative Navigation Design for Data Retrieval in the Gateway of Health Data徐建業 特聘教授兼系主任
Chien-Yeh Hsu, PhD
Distinguished Professor and Director, Department of Information Management, National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences, Taiwan
15:45-16:00Information Service in Taiwan Gateway to Health Data陳詩政 專案助研究員
Shih-Cheng Chen, PhD
Project Assistant Investigator, National Institute of Cancer Research, NHRI, Taiwan
16:00-16:05Q & A
16:05-16:45Keynote Speech
Mechanism of Action and Inflammatory Axis for Air Pollution Induced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Charles Swanton, FRCP, BSc, PhD
Principal Investigator and Deputy Clinical Director,
Francis Crick Institute, London, UK
官鋒澤 醫師
Feng-Che Kuan, MD
Visiting Staff, Department of Hematology and Oncology, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Chia-Yi, Taiwan
16:45-16:50Closing Remarks李健逢 研究員級主治醫師
Chien-Feng Li, MD, PhD
Chair, Department of Medical Research, Chi Mei Medical Center
Joint-Appointed Investigator, National Institute of Cancer Research, NHRI, Taiwan

本活動開放報名至 11/1(三)或名額額滿截止。
The registration will close on 1st November or when the registration quota is reached.


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  2. 醫事人員繼續教育積分申請如下: (依中文筆畫序) 
    1. 中華民國癌症醫學會【腫瘤內科學分、腫瘤外科學分】
    2. 中華民國護理師護士公會全國聯合會【護理師/士、專科護理師積分】
    3. 台灣病理學會【專科醫師病理學分】
    4. 台灣臨床病理暨檢驗醫學會 【學會積分】
    5. 台灣醫事檢驗學會【醫事檢驗師積分】
  3. 著作權:本研討會內容著作權屬於講者,請遵守著作權相關法規,未經同意不得重製、利用或散佈。

洽詢方式 Contact Information

國家衛生研究院 生醫資源中心 劉小姐 Miss Liu
電話 Phone: +886-37-206166 x33629;
E-mail: ppp_nhri@nhri.edu.tw

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