Recent Developments in Liquid Biopsy NGS Gene Testing
國家衛生研究院 (健康大數據永續平台計畫)
台灣精準醫療品質策進會、台灣精準醫療產業協會、台灣臨床病理暨檢驗醫學會、台灣醫療繼續教育推廣學會、奇美醫療財團法人奇美醫院、社團法人台灣醫事檢驗學會 (依筆畫序)
近年液態切片(liquid biopsy)次世代定序(next generation sequencing, NGS)基因檢測在癌症治療追蹤扮演重要的角色,它的優勢是透過抽血,以非侵入的方式檢測循環腫瘤DNA(Circulating Tumor DNA, ctDNA),可用以監測治療效果、癌症復發和突變,提供即時的病情動態資訊,提升癌症管理的精確性和患者預後。
本研習會將介紹液態切片NGS基因檢測的原理與方法,技術上的突破與發展,以及目前應用在癌症追蹤的最新趨勢,並將介紹微小殘留病(minimal residual disease, MRD)液態切片NGS基因檢測於癌症治療後監測之應用。微小殘留病(MRD)液態切片的技術能早期發現微小病灶,評估治療效果及復發風險,有助於個人化醫療的規劃實施。
In recent years, liquid biopsy next-generation sequencing (NGS) gene testing has played an important role in cancer treatment monitoring. Its advantage lies in detecting circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) through blood samples, offering a non-invasive method to monitor treatment effectiveness, cancer recurrence, and mutations. This provides real-time information on disease dynamics, enhancing the accuracy of cancer management and patient prognosis.
This workshop will introduce the principles and methods of liquid biopsy NGS gene testing, its breakthroughs and developments, and the latest trends in its application for cancer monitoring. It will also cover the application of minimal residual disease (MRD) liquid biopsy NGS gene testing in post-cancer treatment monitoring. MRD liquid biopsy technology enables early detection of minimal disease, assessment of treatment efficacy, and evaluation of recurrence risk, aiding in the implementation of personalized medicine.
Through the exchange of knowledge on liquid biopsy NGS gene testing technology in this workshop, we aim to help medical professionals understand its clinical applications and potential, and to promote related research and development. We welcome your participation!
日期(Date):2024/8/24 (Sat.)
形式(Type):Webex線上課程(Webex on-line meeting)
人數(Capacity):990人(990 seats)
時間 Time | 題目 Topic | 講員 Speaker | 主持人 Moderator |
13:30-13:40 | 開幕致詞 Opening | 李健逢 醫師 國衛院癌研所/奇美醫院精準醫學核心實驗室 Dr. Chien-Feng Li, MD, PhD National Cancer Research Institute, NHRI/ Genomic Core Laboratory of the Precision Medicine Center, CMMC | |
13:40-14:20 | Liquid biopsy as treatment guidance for colorectal cancer | 梁逸歆醫師 臺大醫院腫瘤醫學部 Dr. Yi-Hsin Liang, MD Dept. of Oncology, National Taiwan University Hospital | 李健逢 醫師 國衛院癌研所/奇美醫院精準醫學核心實驗室 Dr. Chien-Feng Li, MD, PhD National Cancer Research Institute, NHRI/ Genomic Core Laboratory of the Precision Medicine Center, CMMC |
14:20-14:30 | Break | ||
14:30-15:10 | The general concepts of liquid test for ctDNA | 李健逢 醫師 Dr. Chien-Feng Li, MD, PhD 國衛院癌研所/奇美醫院精準醫學核心實驗室 National Cancer Research Institute, NHRI/ Genomic Core Laboratory of the Precision Medicine Center, CMMC | 熊昭 名譽研究員 國衛院群健所 Chao Agnes Hsiung, PhD Honorary Investigator, Institute of Population Health Sciences, NHRI |
15:10-15:50 | Molecular Residual Disease in Cancer: Background and Clinical Applications | Sugganth Daniel Pillei, M.D., MBA, FCAP Global Medical Director Oncology, Illumina USA | 熊昭 名譽研究員 國衛院群健所 Chao Agnes Hsiung, PhD Honorary Investigator, Institute of Population Health Sciences, NHRI |
15:50-16:00 | 討論與閉幕致 Discussion and Closing | 熊昭 名譽研究員 國衛院群健所 Chao Agnes Hsiung, PhD Honorary Investigator, Institute of Population Health Sciences, NHRI |
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