2024 International Conference on Recent Advances in
Big Data and Precision Health, Taiwan


The Taiwan government has launched “Health Big Data Platform Program” in 2021, in which efforts have been made to combine expertise and funding from governmental, academic, medical, and industrial sectors to facilitate an ecosystem to generate quality data for precision medicine.

We are excited to share some progress of this program at the upcoming conference. Furthermore, we will address recent advances in cancer precision medicine, patient-centric innovative insurance policies, applications of health big data, advanced diagnostic technology in precision medicine, and AI driven transformation in healthcare . Distinguished speakers will exchange knowledge and experiences, with the hope of igniting new ideas for future developments.

Date & Time: 6th Oct. 2024. 9:00-17:00 Taiwan Time (UTC +8)
地點:張榮發基金會國際會議中心1001室 (台北市中山南路11號)
Venue: Conference Room 1001, Chang Yung-Fa Foundation International Convention Center, Taipei, Taiwan
              No.11, Zhongshan S. Rd., Taipei City, Taiwan,R.O.C.
Language: English

Adviser: Ministry of Health and Welfare

主辦單位 Sponsors:

  • 國家衛生研究院 (健康大數據永續平台計畫)  National Health Research Institutes (NHRI), Taiwan
  • 奇美醫療財團法人奇美醫院 Chi Mei Medical Center

協辦單位 Co-sponsors: (依中文筆畫序)

  • 台灣精準醫療品質策進會 Taiwan Joint Commission of Precision Medicine
  • 台灣精準醫療產業協會 Precision Medicine Industry Association of Taiwan
  • 台灣臨床病理暨檢驗醫學會 Taiwan Society of Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
  • 台灣醫療繼續教育推廣學會 Taiwan Medical Enduring Education on Institute
  • 社團法人台灣醫事檢驗學會 Taiwan Society of Laboratory Medicine


議程 Agenda

Time (UTC+8)TopicSpeakerSessionModerator
Welcome Speech

司徒惠康 院長
Huey-Kang Sytwu, MD, PhD
President, National Health Research Institutes (NHRI), Taiwan

林宏榮 院長
Hung-Jung Lin, MD, MS
Superintendent, Chi-Mei Medical Center, Taiwan

Presentation of Certificate of Appreciation 

Group picture

司徒惠康 院長
Huey-Kang Sytwu, MD, PhD
President, NHRI, Taiwan

Aisapathogenomics Inc., Taiwan

Chi Mei Medical Center

Feng Chi Biotech Corp.

9:15-9:55Keynote Speech
Build an end-to-end scalable data science ecosystem by integrating statistics, AI, and Genomics and Health
林希虹 教授
Xihong Lin, PhD
Professor of Biostatistics, School of Public Health, and
Coordinating Director, Program in Quantitative Genomics, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Harvard University, USA (on line)
Local time UTC-4, 21:15-21:55 (10/5 Sat)
熊昭 名譽研究員
Chao Agnes Hsiung, PhD
Investigator Emeritus, Institute of Population Health Sciences, NHRI, Taiwan
09:55-10:35Keynote Speech
Precision Medicine in Upper GI Cancer-From Molecular Test to ADC
中山嚴馬 醫師
Izuma Nakayama, MD, PhD
Dept. Gastrointestinal Oncology, National Cancer Center Hospital East, Japan
陳立宗 講座教授/研究員
Li-Tzong Chen, MD, PhD
Chair Professor, Kaohsiung Medical University, Taiwan; Joint-Appointed Investigator, National Health Research Institutes
10:35-10:50Coffee Break
10:50-11:20Sharing of MTB practice and experience in US Pratheesh Sathyan, Ph.D.
Head of Medical Affairs for Americas Region
Illumina Inc., San Diego, CA, USA (on line)
Local time UTC-5, 21:50-22:20 (10/5 Sat)

Cancer Precision Medicine

查岱龍 所長
Tai-Lung Cha, MD, PhD
Director, National Institute of Cancer Research (NICR), NHRI, Taiwan
11:20-11:40A paradigm shift in the treatment of cholangiocarcinoma姜乃榕 醫師
Nai-Jung Chiang, MD, PhD
Dept. of Oncology, Taipei Veterans General Hospital
11:40-12:00The landscape of Homologous Recombination Deficiency of high-grade ovarian cancer in Taiwan: the Real-World Data approach李宛珊 醫師
Wan-Shan Li, MD
Director, Division of Molecular Pathology, Dept.  of Pathology, Chi Mei Medical Center, Taiwan
李健逢 研究員級主治醫師
Chien-Feng Li, MD, PhD
Chair, Department of Medical Research, Chi Mei Medical Center
Joint-Appointed Investigator, National Institute of Cancer Research, NHRI, Taiwan
13:00-13:30Patient centricity, self-pay solution for cancer management徐明宏 部門長
Miles Shyu
Acting Lead, Patient Support & Planning , Astellas Pharma, Taiwan
陳一友 博士
Yiyou Chen, PhD
Chief Scientific Officer
New Horizon Health

Patient-Centric Innovative Insurance Policies

盧瑞芬 教授
Jui-fen Rachel Lu, MS, Sc.D.Professor, Dept. Health Care Management,Chang Gung University, Taiwan
13:30-14:00NGS: from Policy to Reality in AsiaNordin Charafi, MA/MBA
Director Market Access, Asia Middle East and Africa at Illumina, Singapore (on-line)
Local time UTC-8, 13:30-14:00 (10/6 Sun)
賴瓊如 醫師
Chiung-Ru Lai, MD
Attending PhysicianDepartment of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taiwan
14:00-14:20AI-driven Integration of Multimodal Imaging Pixel Data and Genome-wide Genotype Data Enhances Precision Health for Type 2 Diabetes: Insights from a Large-scale Biobank Study.楊欣洲 所長
Hsin-Chou Yang, PhD
Director and Research Fellow, Institute of Statistical Science, Academia Sinica, Taiwan

Applications of Health Big Data

盧鴻興 副院長
Henry Horng-Shing Lu, PhD
Deputy Superintendent,Kaohsiung Medical University Chung/Ho Memorial Hospital;  Distinguished Professor
Institute of Statistics, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
14:20-14:40AI-Assisted Pancreatic Cancer Diagnosis: Transforming Innovative Research into Real-World Impact王偉仲 教授
Weichung Wang, PhD
Professor, Institute of Applied Mathematical Sciences, NTU, Taiwan
14:40-15:00Biomedical Data Science by Synthesizing Big Datasets from Multiple Sources in Taiwan: Examples in Lung Cancer Studies熊昭 名譽研究員
Chao Agnes Hsiung, PhD
Investigator Emeritus, Institute of Population Health Sciences, NHRI, Taiwan
15:00-15:20Coffee Break
High Biopsy Sampling Rate 3D Pathology for Exploring Biomarker Heterogeneity in Cancer Tissues
林彥穎 執行長
Yen-Yin Lin, PhD
CEO, Jellox Biotech, Taiwan

Advanced Diagnostic Technology in Precision Medicine

賴瓊如 醫師
Chiung-Ru Lai, MD
Attending Physician
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taiwan
15:40-16:00Advancing Pathogen Detection: The Current State and Future Prospects of Next-Generation Sequencing in Clinical Applications莊景凱 技術長
Ching Kai Chuang, PhD
Chief Technology Officer, Asia Pathogenomics Corp., Taiwan
陳宜君 所長
Yee-Chun Chen, MD, PhD
Director, National Institute of Infectious Diseases and Vaccinology, NHRI, Taiwan

Developing an Interpretable Elderly Healthcare QA System Using LLMs and Knowledge Graphs

許聞廉 講座教授
Wen-Lian Hsu, PhD
Chair Professor, Asia University, Taiwan

AI Driven Transformation in Healthcare

許惠恒 副院長
Wayne Huey-Herng Sheu, MD, MS, PhD
Vice President, NHRI, Taiwan


Reshaping Healthcare: The Generative AI-Driven Blueprint for the Coming Era of Medicine

廖家德 醫師
Chia-Te Liao, MD, MSc, PhD
Director of the Center for Evidence-Based Medicine and Health Policy, Chi Mei Medical Center, Tainan, Taiwan

16:40-16:50Closing Remarks

許惠恒 副院長  國家衛生研究院
Wayne Huey-Herng Sheu, MD, MS, PhD
Vice President, NHRI, Taiwan

本活動開放報名至 10/2(三)或名額額滿截止。 
The registration will close on 2nd October or when the registration quota is reached.


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    • 如遇報名人數眾多,本院保留依照實施對象篩選學員的權利
  2. 醫事人員繼續教育積分申請如下: (依中文筆畫序) 
    1. 中華民國癌症醫學會【腫瘤內科學分、腫瘤外科學分】
    2. 中華民國護理師護士公會全國聯合會【護理師/士、專科護理師】
    3. 台灣臨床病理暨檢驗醫學會【專科醫師病理學分】
    4. 台灣醫事檢驗學會【醫事檢驗師】
    5. 台灣醫療繼續教育推廣學會【西醫師】
  3. 著作權:本研討會內容著作權屬於講者,請遵守著作權相關法規,未經同意不得重製、利用或散佈。

洽詢方式 Contact Information

精準醫療公私合作聯盟計畫 胡先生

電話 Phone: +886-37-206166 x33629;
E-mail: ppp_nhri@nhri.edu.tw

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